
Trust in the Lord with all Your Heart (Part 1)

Proverbs 3: 5-6 are the foundational scriptures for this book. This third proverb of Solomon focuses on the Benefits of Wisdom, and godly wisdom is what we need more than anything else. As Christians, our main goal is to become more like Jesus, we are not to compare ourselves with other Christians, especially the ones we think we are holier than. With Jesus as our model, our motivation to improve in our walk with the Lord will always be challenging and never ending. In this first Chapter we are told to Trust in the Lord with all our Heart; Trust means to put our confidence in something or someone. God alone should have our total confidence, nothing or no one else should take His place.
          The world we live in has numerous other people and things that vie for our confidence; we will look at some of these here:

            Weapons…World powers are competing with each other to produce the most destructive weapons they can in an effort to protect their shores, and some to threaten and intimidate other nations. Their trust are in weapons but God tells us in Psalms 44:6 not to trust in the bow or the sword for victory, but to trust in God for victory over our enemies. This nation was founded on principles found in the Bible, our money even states IN GOD WE TRUST. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever; He has not changed but we have. Our greatest weapon against aggression and threats toward our nation is prayer. We need to turn back to God, humble ourselves before Him, seek His face, turn from our wicked ways and He promises to forgive our sins, and heal our land. Man-made weapons are not the answer, our Creator is the answer to all our struggles. It is naïve to think that that all Religions will get on board with this, but those of us who believe in the God of the Bible will unite and not wait for the National Day of Prayer but to pray daily for our nation and our leaders, we are more than enough. 

Excerpts from my Book, "In God we should Trust"